Friday Beer Blogging: Emotional Division
Inspired by and in honor of the blogfather of Springfield beer blogging, Dave of the 11th Hour, who is on a blogging hiatus (I hope), I've attempted to slap together a few beer blogging links of the emotional variety. Click the links, where applicable.
Happy beer glass; sad beer glass
Sleeping it off
One of the more emotional crying in my beer songs, if not the original:
Theres a tear in my beer | cause I'm cryin' for you | Dear you are on my lonely mind | Into these last nine beers | I have shed a million tears -- Hank Williams
It goes on, but that's all I can really handle.
Finally, ending on a much happier note: Beer emotions (Excellent! via)
See also, Springfield's Just Two Guys for more Friday beer blogging.
Have a good weekend. Be healthy and happy. And, hurry back, Dave, we need you (as you can see by this lameness).
"My friend doesn't know the proper way to eat soup. I want you to go out to lunch with us so you can see how he eats soup and then tell me what you think."
Okay, I said, but only because he was buying.
We sat in a booth. Him to my right, the friend across from us. They both ordered the soup.
The friend ate his soup slightly leaning forward, head slightly tipping down, shoveling (for lack of a better word) the spoon towards his mouth. I could see how this method was not exactly polite soup eating etiquette, but quite effective.
He, on the other hand, obviously went to soup eating school. He sat straight up, looked ahead, dipped his spoon into the bowl away from him, lifted his spoon straight up, then making an upside down L brought it to his mouth. Unfortunately, most of the soup missed his mouth and went down his chin and landed on his tie.
I ordered the salad because I am very, very, very smart.